1. Launch Code-X on your desktop
2. Select Cloud/Sync Account Management (2018) or Mobile App Account Management (2019) from the Tools Menu bar.
3. You should be presented with the following screen titled: "Account Automated Password Reset"
4. Enter your E-mail Address in the reset box provided for 2018 and press the Reset Password button. For 2019 the email address will display automatically and cannot be changed. Just press the Reset Password button in this case.
5. If the password reset was successful, you should receive a successful password reset message
6. Check your E-mail inbox for an email from our AAOS Cloud server that contains your new randomly generated password for your Cloud account. If you don't see the email, please check your junk/spam folders as it may have been tagged as spam
7. Login to the mobile applications using your E-mail address and the new randomly generated password